Desiderata by Max Erhman
Go placidly amid the noise
and the haste, and
remember what peace there
may be in silence.
As far as possible, without
surrender, be on good
terms with all persons.
Speak your truth quietly and
clearly; and listen to others,
even to the dull and the
ignorant; they too have
their story.
Avoid loud and aggressive
persons; they are vexatious
to the spirit.
If you compare yourself
with others, you may
become vain or bitter, for
always there will be greater
and lesser persons than
Enjoy your achievements as
well as your plans. Keep
interested in your own
career, however humble; it
is a real possession in the
changing fortunes of time.
Exercise caution in your
business affairs, for the
world is full of trickery.
But let this not blind you to
what virtue there is; many
persons strive for high
ideals, and everywhere life
is full of heroism.
Be yourself. Especially do
not feign affection.
Neither be cynical about
love, for in the face of all
aridity and disenchantment,
it is as perennial as the
Take kindly the counsel of
the years, gracefully
surrendering the things of
Nurture strength of spirit to
shield you in sudden
But do not distress yourself
with dark imaginings.
Many fears are born of
fatigue and loneliness.
Beyond a wholesome
discipline, be gentle with
You are a child of the
universe no less than the
trees and the stars; you
have a right to be here.
And whether or not it is
clear to you, no doubt the
universe is unfolding as it
Therefore be at peace with
God, whatever you conceive
Him to be.
And whatever your labors
and aspirations, in the
noisy confusion of life, keep
peace in your soul.
With all its sham, drudgery,
and broken dreams, it is
still a beautiful world.
Be cheerful. Strive to be
I post about my personal daily encounters and any information that i feel its crucial to my readers. I also add on the Masta Media Invests Experience. Cheers!!!!!!!!!!!!
Tuesday, 17 December 2013
When we are together
I'd like to sail to lands afar
Out on a boat that's built
for two
Beneath a canopy of stars
That would be just like a
dream come true
Just to be with you
When we're together
Feels like forever
Worries seem to fade away
As they become as distant
When we're together
I'd like a castle on a hill
Where you and I could
spend the day
And I'd love to go where
time stands still
And all that doesn't matter
fades away
You are here with me
Worries seem to fade away
As they become as distant
When we're together
And I'd love to
Dance with you
Under the big blue sky
We'd hold the
Wonder of the moment
As the moment passes by
When we're together
Thursday, 21 November 2013
A tribute to DAD, a turn at being grateful
Picture this: This woman has taken 12 months to convince her loving husband that they are well capable to take care of a child together with their careers and other initiatives. All smiles and heated up for the challenge that is raising a child she embraces the nine months with resilience and vigour, positive attitude and hope for happy days with her child. I hope you realise that physically, emotionally and spiritually this mum to be is now changed. All she does, feels and sees is childbirth and motherhood. She makes decisions, travels, eats, drinks, watches and reads about the incoming buddle of imminent joy.
By a raging and unfair twist of fate she has a still-birth. Now picture the pain, the agony and the confusion that one human being is facing, when she feels all alone no matter the crowd around her with nice words. Picture the turmoil in her soul and the depth of her tears when she realises that after all those months she ain't going to experience the ultimate blessing of it all??
I think of such and I ask myself whether I will ever be greatiful enough for the state I am right now, for the health, for the dreams and my smile everyday. What else is everyone out there facing everyday, what else is happening in the world out there that I don't even know, haven't heard and might never read anywhere??? What have you had, seen, felt or heard today since morning? Have you said thankyou to the only one who has control of all those things???
Take it in heart my sister or brother because that's is where each one of us lives. Everything else is what we want the world to see. We live on the inside, thats where our homes are.
Two years ago onthis date I had to stop forcefully and tragically celebrate the life of the one person who nurtured me, took carw of me and prayed for me more than he prayed for himself. The pillar of my worldly existence, who cared about my needs before his and amongest all this loved me unconditionally together with my siblings and his wife.
I lost a father, a dad, a mentor and a friend and to date I live by the words he said to me, teachings he showed me by actions and the manners he instilled into my growth everyday. I celebrate the live of my dad with smile and jubilation, merely because though he left, he made sure we keep him alive, we keep the glory and the peace he always preached in our home, his home.
Thank you Dad. We live by your words, and by your actions towards all of us we lift each others up. Greatly missed.
Tuesday, 19 November 2013
It's amazing the load of big words, big empty words and the scheming way the kenyan corpotates and government entities use to impress us on the face and then hit us when we seek their services.
If you still don't know what am talking about:~~
1. just walk few blocks from your home, walk to the gate of your company, institutions of your nearest government office.
2. Look at that board that is displaying the "SERVICE CHARTER", or pick a glorified bronchure and read through.
2. So have you read the missions and visions in those boards??? Is the bronchure indicating the services offered and how efficiently they will be offered???
We are entangled in a country of big word speak, the art of Empty big words. think about it we talj about it later.
Efficiency is doing the right things
Effectiveness is doing the things right
Sunday, 10 November 2013
Women, Leadership and Sustainability.... part 1
Good Morning,
Today I will talk about women and leadership, and my bias will be on sustainability rather than on the mostly controvertial fronts of what negatives there is or why some people do not support this school of thoughts.
I am giving everyone a platform to disagree or agree with me, and while at it please weigh into the debate and lets enlighten this topic.
Bindra notes that recent studies reveal that women actually outscore men in most managerial competencies. They are very adept at certain things, share knowledge freely rather than hide it; they have higher emotional intelligence and sensitivity; and they see the nurturing of talent as a natural goal, rather than a grudging conncession. And you'll be surprised to know that these are the managerial attributes demanded by the new economy.
Professor Chris Bones once said,
In a world that changes faster than we can learn, the narrowness of current leadership models has been exposed. If we want to continue to make progress
as a society as well as an economy these have to change." How true this is!! The one reason our society seem not to adapt fast enough to sustainable development is because we still stubbonly refuse to change the past believes and embrace the changing world order of things.
One thing that I can personally attest to is the inevitability of not only letting but empowering women into the fields of leadership and most importantly sustainability. Ohh! Ok!! Let's all sit down and listen to my opinion of things."
As I was growing up I found that women were the main people who sensitized me about the future on things like success, family and social balance. Talk about my mother, my nursery class teacher, my sunday school teacher, my first boss and many others. They always cautioned me of the future, they always took issue with my sustainability, they wanted me to be sustainable to my people and my family- most importantly to myself. I thank them.
I say this because I subscribe to the thinking that female leadership style is a really good fit with sustainability. In the current state of the world the issue of gender balance iss certainly familiar to us, have a look at utilities, banking, finance, and property and many others -- apparently the only sector more "blokey" would be motor-racing and believe me very soon women will give a crack at it next.
My point is in the industry of sustainability women play the best, because they are born as mothers and they want to see the continuity of their children, and that is so paramount in the growth of any business, parastatal or government office. They all want to remain there and give quality service, be profitable and ensure productivity for future generations and that's pricisely the essence of sustainability. The reconciliation of environmental, social equity and economic demands and consequently provide enough of what sb/sth needs in order to live or exist.
Research supports (Australian Centre for Corporate Social Responsibility) this notion in that 60% of people who worked in sustainability in 2009 were women, you and I can attest to the fact that the figure must be higher by now.
So as we work and pray for our country and specifically our new county divisions, remember to not undermine these women among us, they are the queens of our existence and bounds of our posibilities to sustainable for tomorrow. I read in Sunny Bindra's new book that while we say, " Behind every successful man is a woman" he disagree's with that statement and says, " Infront of every capable woman is a man taking all the glory." What do you think??
.....To be Continued to part 2......
Saturday, 9 November 2013
Classic Dambisa Moyo therapy..."DEAD AID"
I read this speech by Ugandan president and am thinking Dambisa Moyo was so right in her book "DEAD AID." This is a classic example of the attitude Africa should be taking.
PRESIDENT Yoweri Museveni
has scoffed at donors who
issue a lot of conditions on
their usually unpredictable
funding, saying Uganda is
now able to carry out
projects with its own money.
Commissioning the new
sh36billion underground
five-level parking for MPs
and staff on Friday,
Museveni said that the
country has been able to do
many such projects on its
own, a sign of weaning off
donor dependence.
“I congratulate the
Parliamentary Commission
for making good plans to
solve the problem of parking
but I also congratulate
myself for having availed all
the money. All the sh36b was
our money- no donor
“This shows that the
mentality of ‘donorism’
which some Ugandans have
been suffering from-‘nothing
can be done before the
donors give us the money’-
will soon be no more,” he
said to applause.
He enumerated multi-billion
shilling projects government
had undertaken on its own
as the Entebbe State House,
many road projects and
“I appreciate their
contribution but we also did
the same to them for many
years. We used to give them
our unprocessed coffee at a
rate of 1US$ and they would
earn 15US$ from processing
it. I appreciate them for
bringing back part of our
money-it is in order but it’s
also our duty to build our
country,” he said.
Friday, 8 November 2013
KIRINYAGA!! Our Own Leadership
Hi Kirinyaga People,
It's a good morning, cold and fresh, my kind of cold. The weather is fit for our county agricultural produce. We must be the county that boasts all kind of of crops in Kenya, but we still haven't found a leverage to have maximum utility, ultimate benefits from our fertile lands, and the market for our crops doesn't help a tad.
Sometimes I watch as my mum toil night and day with her tomatoes and french beans, I also get into the farm and do my piece of helping with enthusiasm and hope. In equal measure I grief when they are ready and the market frustrates her, the prices are never under any regulation. Your hard earned quality produce will be offered a throw away price and the man will smile and leave you to decide, you won't even get back the cost of production, losses and losses are all you will be counting. These is just one among all the things we wish can change, these are things which affect me and you directly, things that can benefit all of us right now as we continue to find some balance in our failed leadership. Our County leadership is wanting.
But then again brothers and sisters I want to give you a different kind of leadership understanding. The kind that defines leadership as a practise of people exercising authority over themselves. We have the abilities to gain skills and knowledge necessary to lead civic engagement,education reform and community organisation activities.
Every one of us has to agree that we have a responsibility on ourselves to govern ourselves first before we are governed by these wanting elected people. Imagine if we controlled our destinies first before giving then authority over our own destinies?? Imagine if we all new what we really wanted in our county and planned for it in unity and precision??
Kirinyaga people, all am doing is giving you a different kind of view into leadership.
Picture this: All these people come to us after every term to tell us what they will do for us, they lie about all the connectionns they have, and how successful they have been in their corporate fronts. But did anyone of them ask me what I want in my sub-location? What I want done on our roads, which project is paramount right from the start?? None of them asked what we want, they came and forced their plans on us, they told us what must have enticed us and we fell for all of it. This is because we didn't have a plan for ourselves, our villages, our wards and constituencies before they came. So we had to go along with what they had, what sounded like it needed to be done, what their advicers thought we needed.
I think it is time we took it upon us to lead first before we are led by people who haven't lived in the same homesteads we were nurtured in. As we seek new and better things for our county we have to define what we want, what is important to every county member and then they have to follow our schedules to lead us, because we are the owners of the county, we vote, we put them in those posts so it's only fair that they should be serving us not their scheming egos, business and companies.
I have lots to say, we are talking now, tell me what you think, it's time we stop talking about who we voted in the last election and how he is not fulfilling his promises, this is the time to formulate what we want for ourselves, let them refer to us for the projects they will finish. And if that is not goodd for them, we have only like 4 years, we can prepare better and prove we understand our place in the society.
Peace!! Kirinyaga, Peace my people
Thursday, 7 November 2013
A Prayer for Kirinyaga
Past a tad, am mad, am sad, God help my county, Give us our blessing bounty, all the news can confess, My homeland is a mess,
My small sister is unsafe as she walks to school, my mother is attacked after attending a village harambee, am losing uncles to mystery bandits, while my small business was vandalised in daylight.
What will my hands do, what can my heart do, to heal the heart of the affected, to assure safety and security to my neighbours, and live in the Kirinyaga we all have known before.
Who has cursed my county, the land of abundance, what has happened to the peace we harboured in our homes, the courage we had to protect our own and the pride we smiled at watching our own people excel!! Now all I hear is deaths, grief and confusion. Kidnapping, raping and stealing, killing, breaking and destroying. Oh Lord, hear all these cries and save us all.
Are you asking yourself what you can do about it??? Are you wondering what has changed since last year?? Are you asking where are the leaders we elected?? Where is your village elder, headman, chief, and all our authorities?? What are they saying, what are they doing about it, how can I help in changing this trend??
This is just a prayer, this just my lamentations, this is just a plea to you all to pause and send a prayer to the almighty, the God who has kept us safe before to restore our smiles, to protect our own. As we try hard to understand the happenings and find ways to curb them, may the lord strengthen the bereaved, cure the affected and the tears of all the mothers of my county.
God bless Kirinyaga, God bless Kenya
Wednesday, 6 November 2013
Entrepreneurship and. The Young
Cold morning, the kind I have been missing for long, I hated my empty morning with no description worth on themselves, they were beautiful alright but I love it this way, I love the cold breeze tag, I love this morning. Thank you Lord.
Today I will address my generation, the young and searching, those who are trying to fit in a certain system, to prime the foundation of their future. Especially those who are leaning towards entrepreneurship in Kenya.
I will lament because even with the current boom, awareness and opportunities we still short of enough mentors. We lack people to talk to directly and genuinly. We are depending so much on the written hyped words of business, much of which is not proven truth, we are reading copies of becoming business moguls instantly, millionaires in days, this books are written by people who claim to be successful, some who don't even get return back for those books. Sigh!!
We all need a person who can see your ideas from outside all interests, someone to gauge the statistics with you, someone who has been in it longer than us. These people know what not to do, what to be strict on and what opportunitiea to tap into fast. They help us in the journey but they are not supposes to walk it for us.
This is evident in the myriad of us who are making mistakes and getting booted by the business cloud because we don't have enough and fit guidance.
There are lessons that first time entrepreneurs never learn because the crash is so deep and painful; they vow never to do business ever again. This points to one ommission in the realm or the eco system on business.
This is why I still hold there's need for mentorship or apprenticeship.
I know many people hold the same thoughts, I know some will disagree, some won't even know what am talking about, but one thing stands after all this, something is still wanting for the young entrepreneurs. Only what???
These are just my views...
Githinji Mwaniki
Tuesday, 5 November 2013
On a man's mind
Dear ladies don't ask us what we are thinking about unless you are good on the following topics; Sex,sports,cars or computers.
If a guy got truthful enough about the details of what he si thinking, even after a romantic talk, a dispute or a family emergency; it will all narrow down to those main themes.
So unless you are ready to discuss the details, of any of those, make sure you don't ask a guy randomly, "what are you thinking about?"
Thursday, 31 October 2013
Bill Gates recently gave a
speech at a High School
about 11 things they did not
and will not learn in school.
He talks about how feel-
good, politically correct
teachings created a
generation of kids with no
concept of reality and how
this concept set them up for
failure in the real world.
Rule 1: Life is not fair - get
used to it!
Rule 2: The world doesn't
care about your
self-esteem. The world will
expect you to accomplish
something BEFORE you feel
good about yourself.
Rule 3: You will NOT make $
60,000 a year right out of
high school. You won't be a
vice-president with a car
phone until you earn both.
Rule 4: If you think your
teacher is tough, wait till you
get a boss.
Rule 5: Flipping burgers is
not beneath your dignity.
Your Grandparents had a
different word for burger
flipping: they called it
Rule 6: If you mess up, it’s
not your parents' fault, so
don't whine about your
mistakes, learn from them.
Rule 7: Before you were
born, your parents weren't
as boring as they are now.
They got that way from
paying your bills, cleaning
your clothes and listening to
you talk about how cool you
thought you were. So before
you save the rain forest from
the parasites of your
parent's generation, try
delousing the closet in your
own room.
Rule 8: Your school may have
done away with winners and
losers, but life HAS NOT. In
some schools, they have
abolished failing grades and
they'll give you as MANY
TIMES as you want to get the
right answer. This doesn't
bear the slightest
resemblance to ANYTHING in
real life.
Rule 9: Life is not divided
into semesters.. You don't
get summers off and very
few employers are interested
in helping you FIND
YOURSELF. Do that on your
own time.
Rule 10: Television is NOT
real life. In real life people
actually have to leave the
coffee shop and go to jobs.
Rule 11: Be nice to nerds.
Chances are you'll end up
working for one.
Sunday, 20 October 2013
Quotes For You
Here are 15 quotes to help you keep things in perspective and
move you in at positive direction.
1. In life you’ll realize there
is a purpose for everyone
you meet. Some will test
you, some will use you, and
some will teach you. But
most importantly, some will
bring out the best in you.
2. Keep people in your life
who truly love you, motivate
you, encourage you,
enhance you, and make you
happy. If you know people
who do none of these
things, let them go.
3. Too often we
underestimate the power of
a touch, a smile, a kind
word, a listening ear, an
honest compliment, or the
smallest act of caring – all
of which have the potential
to turn a life around.
4. Choose your
relationships wisely. It’s
better to be alone than to
be in bad company
5. The one who is meant for
you encourages you to be
your best, but still loves and
accepts you at your worst.
6. Fall in love when you’re
ready, not when you’re
7. When things fall apart,
consider the possibility that
life knocked it down on
purpose. Not to bully you,
or to punish you, but to
prompt you to build
something that better suits
your personality and your
purpose. Sometimes things
fall apart so better things
can fall together.
8. Let us remember that we
can’t force anyone to love
us. We can’t beg someone
to stay when they want to
leave and be with someone
else. This is what love is all
about. However, the end of
love is not the end of life. It
should be the beginning of
understanding that love
leaves for a reason, but
never leaves without a
9. Lies help no one in the
long run. So… 1) Don’t say “I
love you” if you don’t mean
it. 2) Don’t say “I
understand” if you have no
clue. 3) Don’t say “I’m sorry”
if you’re not. 4) Be honest
with yourself and your loved
10. Never neglect the people
who are most important to
you simply because you
think they will always be
there. Because one morning
you might wake up and
realize you lost the moon
while counting the stars.
11. Don’t ever change just to
impress someone. Change
because it makes you a
better person and leads you
to a better future.
12. Don’t look for someone
who will solve all your
problems; look for someone
who will face them with you.
13. Nobody gets through life
without losing someone
they love, someone they
need, or something they
thought was meant to be.
But it is these losses that
make us stronger and
eventually move us toward
future opportunities.
14. Never allow someone to
be your priority while
allowing yourself to be their
15. No relationship is a
waste of time. The wrong
ones teach you the lessons
that prepare you for the
right ones.
[Courtesy: Everyday Life
Monday, 7 October 2013
Random #1
Love one another, if it doesn't work interchange the last two words
Imagine you loved a guy that always gets ways to make you mad, make you wanna cry, make you hate him??? What if you could kill him??
That is intense. I think I would be dead by now....
Sunday, 6 October 2013
Underneath the trees we are watching the skies,
We pretend the aeroplanes at night are shooting stars
We really can use a wish right now
Because light will come and there's my leave
I never dreamed that you'd be mine
I blame that to fate for not having met you earlier
But here we are, we are here tonight
And here we'll live by heart and mind
As we cuddle beneath these stars
The same witnesses you'll have miles away
I'll send them to watch over your progress
And whenever I see them I'll see you and your eyes
And when you see them you'll see my care
In the expanse of the world we live in
We realise how small we are
If everyone could love like you and me
Imagine what the world could be!
I'll linger in this moment forever
And watch as your eyes close in comfort and ease
I will always be here my love
You'll see me,just close your eyes
You'l hear me, just come here and listen
You'll kiss me, Just feel the cold breeze on your lips
You'll love me, because your heart is mine
Two minutes Thought.
If everyone cared, then nobody would cry
If everyone loved, then nobody would lie
If everyone shared, then there would be no inadequency
If everyone was humbled, then we would all be smiling
You sit there and blame him for leaving
And you haven't apologised for cheating
He didn't care enough to keep your trust
But he was stupid for overlooking your lies
Precisely why you both are crying
Imagine if we shared our stipends
And ceased to complain of our inadequencies
When in the same nation others die of lacking
While neighbours cry for not having that little
How then can we sit and pray for more
When the little that in us can't be shared
You are almost at a standstill my sister
Because he hasn't said or done as you thought fit
So now your pride is almost driving you insane?
Does he even know how you feel?
Have you tried to ask how he's doing today??
Ainn't it time we all swallowed our pride,
And cared of our inner piece, loved what and who we have and want to have,
Shared the little we got in equal measure as we pray for enough for ourselves.
Swallow our pride and smile to ourselves.
I know it's hard, am I even doing what I write?
But who told you this life will be easier to live in??
Who lied to you that people will love you just because you love them??
Who told you you deserve enough just like your friends??
We all have to fight for what's is right
Care for our little feeble hearts
And share for our lives are fragile
We all deserve a smile today
Smile and lift your face up, tell someone that you appreciate them, apologise to him/her without worrying about his/her response, fulfill a promise you made because you can, make someone smile and I can guarantee you'll have a reason to smile right back.
thank you to all those who woke me up after September was over.cheers!!!
Friday, 4 October 2013
I will write this and add no comments. I got many of them things to say but I pass. So below are some of the things they say, or things they do or they expect. Peace out!!!
1. If I didn't call you, I'm
just waiting for you to call
2. When I'm mad and I walk
away from you, follow me,
3. When I push and hit you,
me and don't let me go
4. When I ignore you, give
me your attention
5. When I say I hate you, say
I love you to me
6 .When I say it's too cold,
hug me tight
7. When I tickle you, tickle
me back
8. When I stare at you, I
want a kiss
9. When I started to cry, tell
me I
can cry on your shoulders
10. When I give up on us, tell
that you will fight for us..
11. And what with the "am fine" "nothing" and "I'l tell you later??
Thursday, 26 September 2013
I want to say of the eventual day
When my presence will be yesterday
And my relevance will crumble and vanish
My fear is to being forgotten in a fortnight
Knowing I lived, loved and had insight
I was here, I cared, hated and cried
About life and lived too, though in critical care of the unknown
I was around when my tribe was a reason to die
When terror was used to unravel religion banners
I was here when we travelled with our hearts in our mouths
And surveillance only came after a brother's demise
When a politician would define the morals of a society
And I still couldn't afford a decent three meals a day
I always kept my smile, ready and genuine
It gave me strenth to hold on to my sanity
In a country where friends die faster than the blooming of my flowers
I was reduced to a celebratory object of relevance
All this didn't dim my love for my land
Because in equal measure I lived with angels
Brightest family, caring friends and a lively countrymen
I loved, I cared, I hated, I cried but kept my strength
Because my existence was not mine alone
When you read this words, you'll smile you are alive
Because my life will have vanished with all I have
Write a good word on my epitah
To represent my fights in the world
The wars I only fought with words
What I Will Miss About Tomorrow
Finally tommorow is
near...but I gave up today n
broke up with her,I told her
I was tired of waiting n
everytime I see her I try
to resist the temptation to
make love to her as she told
me she is not ready.
I told her I have set her free because I don't want to hurt her
feelings by rush into something she not ready to do...we spent 371DAYS just CUDDLIng.. sigh!!
Coz she wanted it special one of these days and I could have been
given it all. She didn't tell me coz she thought I would wait why quit the last day?? if only I knew how, She was gonna make her birthday special by offering herself to me...
Ainn't it ironical that she thinks I didn't know her plans?? Thanks to my date with her dialy, I wasn't surprised to read it, but was happy it answered my questions.
She will never know I knew the plan, because I refuse to follow a schedule. I am not good with sentisizing some moments, I always hit a nerve, I always break their hearts and I refuse to break hers; not in that way.
Goodbye sweetheart, maybe we'll be, maybe we'll not, maybe we are, maybe we are not. What we've shared is eternal, what we've shared to each other is precious because it was deep and honest, but our destiny is in what will be after today!!
What a loss, what a miss. Hahaha, on to the next one!!!
Tuesday, 24 September 2013
My Fruit Devalued
My eyes ogled at the beauty in show
And I craved a taste of its every piece
I wallowed at the thought of having it in my arms
I thought first sight is a guarantee of possession
I lingered below waiting for wind to come
To gift me with such a one chance fruit
Became a slave of my imagination
and had strong feelings to stand by
As my neck ached from staring up
A small breeze turned it the other way
I saw a black spot on the pretty peel
An injury from a sharp greedy beak
Evident that someone had seen it before me
Sucked the juice out of it with convinience
How can I be so unlucky in dawn
To just love what has been loved?
To yearn and crave for what i don't deserve?
I can't compete with the sucking birds
Which fly and perch their deserving juice
What a soul to do, but to move on
Can loving be such a devastation
And my fruit is has been devalued
Because a bird sucked just coz it can
Head down, eyes dropped, drag my feet, walk and forget
I will go on just because I can
Monday, 23 September 2013
" We can pretend that aeroplanes on night sky are shooting stars, I can really use a wish right now, wish right now x2"
Aeroplane by B.O.B
Strong piece, strong lyric, epic wishline. The many times we're really imagining it was different. When we praying our situations came at a different time.
I don't know what it is you wish was different right now, what you are wishing you had with you, or who you wish would be besides you, talking with you, replying to your texts and yelling you it will be ok!!!
For a moment think about those moments you have right now, those that you haven't even told your lord thank you. How many times do we forget to appreciate the little we have and linger and take for granted the blessings of live, health and peace??? We lament and cry, cloud our judgements with what we don't have and forget to appreciate the blessings in our lives, the sweet people in our lives and parents who give their all just to make sure we keep focussed on the goal.
Take a moment, look beyond the horizon and say thank you for what you got, pray for those who are not as lucky as you are, those who can't enjoy three meals a day like you can, those nursing illness and injuries, those running from violent homes, villages and countries, those who have nowhere to call home, no place to sleep and nobody to take care of them.
Thank you God for another bright day, another healthy day and new dreams rejuvinated. I will thank you for every bit of blessing you have shed on to my life, friends, family, workmates, neighbours and even enemies.
I kneel for those kenyans who are mourning, crying and healing in hospitals. I pray healing to the turmoil and tragedy those kids harbour in their souls, in their hearts for things they have seen, heard and those that have happened to them. God heal them and make strong parents, leaders and doctors out of them in future.
Thank you lord for making me your child and a bonafide in your ocean of blessings. I appreciate your care for lets face it, I am nothing without you lord.
Sunday, 22 September 2013
Submission::: Lessons From a Palm Tree
Look at the resilience of a palm tree, the beauty and the braveness in that beautiful coastline. Its a tall straight tree with a mass of long leaves at the top, growing in tropical countries. It is notably true that you'l find no other species of trees close and firm.
Ever wondered how these palm trees survive the coastline winds??
Ever wondered why there are no other tree species on these coastlines??
Ever wondered why such thin and tall tree doesn't breakdown???
I doubt you are following my lead so far, but I'll cut the chase. On my saturday afternoon expendation after work I went to visit an ever so wonderfull friend. Unfortunately I had a really heated confrontation with security officers (another day's story). It got so long, full of threats and intellectual wrestling. Just before they let me go one of them told me a story I want to share. Read below...
He asked me the three questions I asked there above in the post then proceeded to tell me. He told me, walk to a coastline and you'll meet the palm tree, standing tall and brave in the beauty of the coastline, in which its absence wouldn't be equally memorable. Haven't we all learnt to associate the memories of beachline expendations with a coconut palm tree, tall and gaity??
While the winds are ever so strong, unforgiving and destructive; the palm survives. It does because it has learnt the art of submission for survival. It just needs to bend and submit to the forces of the winds and it never suffers the wrath imposed on the seemingly feeble stem. It bends like it's bowing in show of respect and surrender, cheats its way to survival and life to report the morning sunrise- like a duty.
After the wind subsides, it straightens and like a coastline warrior, spreads its unharmed radiance ready and resilient.
Any other tree tries to be bold, face the winds head-on, resist the wrath. Consequently, the fatal winds breaks them into destructive and forced submission, detrimetal and equally forgotten. They die with their ego and get swept like a pets poop on the doorstep.
The guard continued. He said it with a straight face, concerned, firm and full of wisdom. I liked him instantly, and hoped he tells that to his kids. I got touched and even loved the likeliness of the story to the situation we had just undergone. He was spot-on.
As much as theirs was a trial into demeaning me, to get me to admit to empty accusations, bullshit offences and intimidating talk, I learnt loads from the story. I hate the way the officers in a position of law try to always turn you to a begger at their mercy. They want you to worship them and if you don't you'll suffer their stupidity. They treat you like you don't understand yourself, your rights or the rights of your position or environment. But his was a story of how to survive in a cruel world, defeating environment, a hard relationship or just a winning way of life.
You'll find in that situation you failed to submit and importantly you had nothing to lose, so much strength, hurt, and regrets would have been avoided. Ego is a harsh teacher to learn from readers.
Those situations that could be avoided and you'll get out unhurt and even happy it was so easy and unimportant. A bully who intimidated you, would just require you to submit to his stupidity for a minute and you'l be free, happier and wiser. He wil think you are weak but you well know he is the stupid one and you didn't even break a sweat, heaven will strike him for being a bad example to humanity.
I could go on but I know you all get my drill. Peace people.
Friday, 20 September 2013
ME LOVE :::Twist:::
I don't love you for your beauty
I don't love you for doing your duty
I don't love you for your sexy booty
Neither is it for loving me, my cutie~pie
It's for no reason whatsoever
You know how I like dirty
And the very idea of party
I know you like when am touchy
The reason this love is murshy
I cann't unlove you ever
I recall the day we got in the pool
And the next session we got cool
My heart fell for that confidence
Unlike the mistrust in the girl world
I vowed to eat from that same plate
Serve and I'l always be there to eat
My will To Kill
Since you are too bossy
You end up been nosy
Living and trying to be nosy
My eyes already are drowsy
Almost killed this will
But I managed to be still
I'll try to stand till
The day I clear the bill
Otherwise I will kill
Memory Reform
Sweet sounds of a morning
The chit chats of the birds
An early worm while in loaming
And the monkeys playing the cards
My paralysis keeps me mum
My lame smile fades
And the plans in cascade
Constantly lost in a morning bid
And my gestures are badly lit
You keep me loosely held
Beneath a slipperly well I bend
My memory keeps the wrong kind
Keeps regrets on a moist pad
Am in know of the big loss
And this heart will miss a boss
Yet my day will be in full
The package I initially had null
Monday, 16 September 2013
Pleasure by other weird names
Deja vu!! Either sorrow or fun, when you get a feeling a second time there is always a tip of regret, bits of bitter sweet and recollections of how different the circumstance compare.
You want to linger at it more than you did unitially if it's a good feeling, you want to enjoy the moment and get deeper to edges you didn't manage the first time, and I admit it's worth every second, every minute. On the flip side, if it is a grave situation, you cry, moarn and lament in your heart. You pray for the controller of your universe to let it pass and fast, you want to rush and get past it; but it gets or rather seems extremely slow, like the dragons of doom have been sent to make you suffer, like MADIMONI.
Unlike those instances I had my own "Sirikali saidia" moments for the weekend, I moarned and lamented the day away, cursing my usually wrong judgements and summons. But I was vigilant of my predicaments, I was in control or rather the tribulations had limits, self 'mumbo jumbo'.
I also had a good time, a series of moments and I had to cupture one by a redo of a piece I wrote on imagination, which has since become a testmony. This is barely from the fact that it happened. Wooh!! That was a lot of meaningless prose..... sorry!!!
In the promises lighter
than baloons
And my care less than of
In the sunrise of your dire
I'll watch over to avoid my
This same mouth that
promises heaven
Brings hell right on to
your haven
And the foot that
stumbled on your bed
Strayed onto your friend's
for the weekend
The softness of my sweet-
arrested tongue
Licked the foreigner
deserving only a hang
I was the fair gentleman
of her night
And the sweetness which
swallowed her might
I saw her passion melt my
And the bare moment
rekindled her pains
She rightly echoed your
moans and groans
Coz my depth was right
beneath her bones
The weight of my words is
But the swimming of my
pin is not same
Dive into a neighbouring
forbidden pool
And discover edges
yummy than the home's
While you experience
stolen moment's pleasure
And strokes as free as air,
no pressure
The expectancy of every
Borne the failure of a
mature climax
And the frequency with
which you are able
To effect my coming
inumerable times
Coz that's the missing link
of times
The very reason I've come
back to you
I know what you thinking.. Hio story inatusaidiaje???? On to the next one friend...
Monday, 9 September 2013
Oodles of Reasons, **I can love you**
So long since I updated on this blog, hope you've been great boys and girls of mother earth. I have crawled, walked, and ran since the last time we talked, I have laughed, smiled, loved, hated, blessed, cursed, made friends and enemies in equal measure.
It's being long you can tell and I have missed to rant and rave, reveal and unravel on the passage and baggage that is my life. This not so interesting piece of my life.
Today I will share a note I wrote to a beautiful lady and never sent it, in a moment of ecstasy and elation my desire to call her and tell her of my heart's turmoil, only I couldn't because my mind is darn stonger than any feeling that my heart will ever feel. I know it (mind) has failed me so many times but I suck enough comfort in the knowledge that am still alive and smiling, what is mine will always be mine, I got what I deserve and all that is not here will come.Godspeed.
Here it is,
Believe what is unbelieavable and dance a little just because there is music, shout and scream just because nobody will care, jump and say what you feel in your heart, things you haven't shared with your closest friends, words you wish you would say to someone and fantasies you wish would come true. What would you lose if you let all your inhibitions go for a moment, if your fears freezed in a while and all the butterflies in your stomach paused. A silent, serene moment to say all there is to say, feel all you wish you would without guilt of regrets, kiss and never tell just because you can.
Sorry Trizza, these are the moments of my life since I met and got to know you, I have held them so many a time, while I know I haven't so successfully hidden my strong feelings for you, I wish you'll read these note and be in knowledge of what I feel for you. I have loved you and will love you for a long time, it's one of no condition and I will make you aware I don't expect a reply for this note, it's just my heart couldn't hold itself on ransom for non-expressed love to a beautiful woman. I wouldn't wish to oblige you to make any statements in its respect just an aknowledgement that you've received and read the words.
I am a single gentleman who has tried to remain so for such a long time, and I can love and care for a lady of my dreams. I am hardworking and very ambitious in life which I believe are good traits. I can make you smile and keep the smile always, I can listen to you and your fears anyday, I can cry with you when you're sad and laugh with when there is joy between us.
I can remember your birthday and our anniversaries, I can remember our dates and arrive early always, and will even remember the date of our first kiss. I can be murshy with you as you watch your emotional movies and soaps, I'l even watch and narrate them to you if you sleep off on my laps. Sigh!!
I will go to your favourite joints, picnics and enjoy your every minute with me. I can be a good guy, I can love you. I know you don't have to be amused by this note but you can't even believe my relief to have found the words to write today. Have a nice evening, see you tomorrow beautiful lady, as usual its 9.00am, and remember to carry a note to write the navigations for the weekend. Goodnight
Thursday, 5 September 2013
How to Bargain with a Kenyan Thief
This is a post from NAIROBIBLOG I read and decided to pass it on...............
Benson Kariuki of
0723587757. He stole money
from me and is absolutely
confident that I will never
find him.
#MPesatheft is rampant in
Kenya and there seems to
be no way to stop it.
Safaricom previously
implemented automatic
transaction reversals when a
customer reported having
sent money to the wrong
number, but our ingenious
thieves then started
recalling money they had
paid to merchants and
Safaricom had to stop the
service. The thugs won….I
don’t think so!!!
BECAUSE, you and I are
about to do something
about this menace.
You have, at least once, sent
money to the wrong
number. Before this
incident, I had too. I
accidentally bought
someone phone credit worth
200/-. I texted said person
and asked them politely to
return the money. I got no
reply, and at the time, felt
that there was nothing I
could do. Besides, I had
heard of people losing
15000/-, 20,000/-, money
they desperately needed for
medical emergencies or
school fees. 200/- did not
seem like much then.
But last Sunday when I
accidentally sent several
thousands to a number
belonging to one Benson
Kariuki, my stomach fell to
my feet. This wasn’t 200/-. I
immediately called the
MPesa line provided by
Safaricom. Please give me a
moment to bash the
stupidity of our largest
telecom. SOOOOO SO
my money was laying in
some stranger’s account,
Safaricom’s robot lady was
telling me about all the
services she can offer. Took
two tries to get through to
customer care, where again
I had to provide a list of
details before the young
man on the line declared,
“Sorry Madam, inaonekana
I remember shouting,
“What? what? what?” as the
young man calmly (and
might I add, insensitively)
asked if there was anything
else he could do for me and
then hang up
Ten minutes. Ten small
minutes, is all the time it
took Benson Kariuki to run
to the nearest MPesa agent
and withdraw money he
knew was not his. And all
Safaricom could say to me
was go to the police and
report the theft, they know
what to do. Can the police
find Benson Kariuki? Please
raise your hand if you think
this possible?
At this juncture, you must
be wondering, “What the
hell CAN WE DO, Makena?”
We can stop being victims
and start sharing this post
like a problem. It is time we
said NO, and created our
own protection system
against MPesa theft.
In Kenya, we are at the
mercy of MPesa thieves,
pickpockets, muggers, the
police, the city council etc.
We are hard at the business
of bargaining with various
kinds of thieves. The matatu
conductors who somehow
forget to give back your
change until you ask for it
with a stern face; the
government employees who
need a small “thank you” for
providing a copy of the one
piece of paper you need to
fill; the guys who “help” you
push your car when you are
stuck somewhere; the armed
robber who rapes your
daughter and wife and
draws a gun to blow your
brains away and last but not
least, our elected officials
who threaten to paralyze
our country if we don’t pay
them such and such
Are you tired of bargaining
with thieves? I am. After
that unhelpful phonecall
with Safaricom, I texted the
following to Benson Kariuki
at his number 0723587757
I am giving you one
hour to return the
money you just
withdrew illegally from
my account. After that
I will report your
details tot he police,
Just you wait…
I then called Safaricom and
asked for his ID number.
And of course, they said no,
which is good because I
know my privacy is equally
protected. But I already had
an idea. My second text to
Benson Kariuki read:
Counting down. After
reporting you to the
police, I will put your
details on twitter and
facebook. Then I will
make a youtube video
and make sure you
can’t get a job or do
business anywhere.
Someone who knows
you will eventually
bring me to your
house. Hide
somewhere deep my
friend. Very deep.
This was the text that got
Benson, who had previously
switched off his phone, to
call me back. He was pissed
off. Very. I mean, I had
made a mistake, sending
him my money, so why had
I not called him and politely
asked that he return it???
What? Guy, you went and
stole my money then
switched off your phone.
Hello, did you hear the part
“You stole my money.” He
said he would think about
returning it and hang up.
He called again and shouted
and hang up at least 3 times
before he finally sent me
part of the money, claiming
that the rest had been
deducted by Safaricom
Customer Care. I did call
Safaricom again to confirm
that this was not the case. A
different young man said to
me, ” He has returned that
much, you are okay, you
should be happy. Many of
them never return it.” I gave
him an earful of msomo. So
this is the attitude at
Safaricom–good to know…
No, as I said to Benson, I
am not satisfied with
recovering part of my
money. I want every single
last cent back. And this is
non-negotiable and should
be non-negotiable for all of
My last text to Benson
Kariuki was a clear
explanation of the
consequences of having his
name on social media:
These charges you are
claiming Safaricom has
withdrawn do not
exist. I have spoken to
customer care. I want
back all my money.
And be warned that
once your name starts
circulating on social
media, I won’t be able
to stop it. You will end
up on T.V. and radio.
Benson’s response, and I
quote: “Do whatever you
want. Let’s see what you can
What can I do? What can
you do? Share this post
with your Kenyan friends
and encourage them to
share with their friends.
Benson Kariuki lives in
Kenya, and Kenya isn’t that
big. We have to find him,
we absolutely must. This will
be a signal to him and to all
others like him, who have at
one point or another
committed MPesa theft, that
there is no anonymity in the
crowd. Someone who knows
someone who knows
someone you know, also
knows Benson Kariuki of
0723587757. Let’s show him
and others like him that we
can do something about
MPesa theft. Every share of
this post will
1. establish a CITIZENS’
protection system
against mobile
transfers fraud.
Henceforth, you’ll only
have to post the name
and number of your
MPesa thief on social
media, and he/she will
be found.
2. send Safaricom a
strong signal that it
must find a viable
system of protecting
its clients from theft.
(Something as simple
as letting our mobile
phones pick up the
recipient’s name in
that last check before
we hit send for MPesa)
MPesa theft. Turn Benson
Kariuki into a hashtag by
sharing this post with your
friends. Feel free to leave a
comment below if you have
any thoughts about MPesa
theft. Or join the facebook
group Project Mpesa Thief
Saturday, 24 August 2013
Just a good paragraph
If a person is looking into your eyes for more than 5 seconds without blinking he/she either wants to kill you or have sex with you.
Tuesday, 20 August 2013
BarCamp Nairobi 2013 is Here!
Questions? Email us on
Monday, 19 August 2013
While the breeze slaps blank my visage
And the numbness of my toes do ache
The speeds of my breathing at optimum
And the cold in these paths keeps me mum
I am running from ignorance, hate and timid minds
I can't seem to hate these critics
I guess because of my dim optics
Inability to see bad in their antics
And the esteem I hold for my peace of mind
I just have to run and avoid their tide
You take my kindness for weakness
The very hazard to our codial relation
You think care is a right in your existence
Yet you can't give enough, ainn't that double standards
I want to run from unsettled lovemaking
Because am a little short of your kind of loving
Am walking away from emotional contamination
Things I strongly wish I would forget
Am walking away from questions
Am walking away from our night missions
Am runnings from your stiff unforgiving life
Staying away from your daily expectations
Am condemned and mistreated here
I have to Runaway
Wednesday, 14 August 2013
In The Invisible Cocoons
In the promises lighter than baloons
And my care less than of goons
In the sunrise of your dire boom
I'll watch over to avoid my doom
This same mouth that promises heaven
Brings hell right on to your haven
And the foot that stumbled on your bed
Strayed onto your friend's for the weekend
The softness of my sweet-arrested tongue
Licked the foreigner deserving only a hang
I was the fair gentleman of her night
And the sweetness which swallowed her might
I saw her passion melt my ignorance
And the bare moment rekindled her pains
She rightly echoed your moans and groans
Coz my depth was right beneath her bones
The weight of my words is shame
But the swimming of my pin is not same
Dive into a neighbouring forbidden pool
And discover edges yummy than the home's cool
While you experience stolen moment's pleasure
And strokes as free as air, no pressure
The expectancy of every mistake
Borne the failure of a mature climax
And the frequency with which you are able
To effect my coming inumerable times
Coz that's the missing link of times
The very reason I've come back to you
Monday, 12 August 2013
Saturday, 10 August 2013
What I am, what I 've been with God
what use will my friendship be,
what value will our quality time have,
what greatness will our being ease will our life hold?
if after all the time we spend, the chats, the laugh, the sorrow and the meetings I don't mention that all these grace is from a being bigger than all of us. That all the strength and happiness is not self annointing, it's from a Father high in heaven who has loved me unconditionally since inception, since birth and thereafter survival until today!!
Many are the times I have fallen short of His counsel, I have sinned knowing and not knowing, I have lied to make my life easy, or to make my friend's day miserable, I have gone a day without any gratitude and boasted of my belongings and status. Yet through all these shortcomings He holds me with his right hand and lifts me up to triumph, heals my sickness and make me victorious when I pray.
He answers prayers when I pray, He lifts me up from darkness in a deep hole, and wipes my tears when I cry.He has liveth in my world since before I knew Him, He is my penultimate solace, He is my smile, drive and existence. My whole essence is entangled onto being a servant unto his servants.
Without all these and more I wouldn't be serving the purpose, the essence that is my life. Take time to say you recognize the little things you have like breathing, because without that and other minutes, you can't last a second more. I am grateful of my Lord and my Jesus. Thank you lord for making Githinji Mwaniki, He trusts in you and will live at your side all his days, most of all he will tell a friend about you, not because they don't know you but because he needs reminding.
Thank you lord
Mr Sluggard
Tel me where you get your bread Mr. Sluggard, tell me where you get your bread each day,
I see you you sitting in a moment, with folded hands and in comfortable rests.
How do you earn your meal big brother, when all you do is great people on the roadside, winking at ladies as they hurry to work
Did you attend sunday school, when teacher's told us we should only eat when we work?
Did you remember the verse which says " scarcity will come like bandits at night"?
Have you watched the ants as they work? As they collect in abundance and enjoy when famine comes, they plant in season and harvest when its fit.[...]
If I could meet you
If i were to see you before me, I would run with a proud dance, full of joy, love, compassion and satisfaction in my heart. I would open up my arms with ease and jubilation, I would run towards you for a hug, to boast of a moment with your presence and care, I would wish my friends would be here to witness such a big phenomenon in my life and maybe help show that am a good person after all, that I can also welcome such a honored guest in my abode.
Then I would be struck still in my steps, I would drop my hands, smile and the jubilation. I would drop my eyes and face the ground in shame, disappointment and disgust for my myself. My body would feel weak and my body would become frail, I would talk in a faint stummer and look at you scantly, I would fall under your legs and cry, even wail to suffer in the pain, then I would be blind to societal eyes and proclaim your Highness and grace.
Because I would realize am not worthy of your visit, that am not ready to have such a righteouseous visitor in my home. Many times I have sinned by my thoughts, actions, covets and reflains, yet your grace has always kept my days bright and you've given me another chance. You are always ready for me, to hold me and wipe my tears, to comfort me and prepare me for another day, to rescue me and defeat the giants in my life.
You have answered me in my calls, gave me what I sought and openned the doors after my knocks, most of all you've given me victories I didn't know I deserve because you are my God.
You promised me peace when am troubled and your peace has always won over my worries. I am thank you, I am grateful.
Thank you my lord, thank you my Jesus.
It aches to have to reminisce, to fantasize in my thoughts. These days are too long to have to endure alone. I watch at the stars to reconnect to the nights we used to spend in the moonlight, and the smiles we shared because we noticed a shooting star at the horizons.
When I left on that fateful sunset, my heart was left in pieces, a hollow icebag where I had kept your heart. My dreams always play with my mind, I hear you breathing beside my bed, but I wake up to a lonely bed. I see you in my visions yet my mornings are lonely and cold.
I am coming back home, I am driving all night to see you again, I am coming home to say these words I have kept inside for so long. I am travelling by night and if you ask me I will stay.
If you haven't replaced my love I will stay, I will say am sorry for being careless with our love, I am sorry for letting my heart doubt us for a moment, because since the day I left I have only loved you more, since I walked out of your door, I have always yearned to knock and say am back.
If you feel the same I will stay, if you you gave your heart away I will cry, if I hold you again I will heal but If I can't have you I will mourn
I will run under those shades we lingered and and laughed in sunlight, I will sit on those benches we sat on to watch the stars, as you sat on my laps and held on to my touch, I will visit the riverbeds we sat beside and shed my last tears for us. I will shout like we did on those dry vast lands we walked on in the grasslands, I will every stone we sat on and left notes of the promises we made to each other. I will carry them and burn them in shame. All these I will do in tribute to our moments in love, as an interment to a love I failed in.
Am coming home before it's morning, I will be there before the sunshine, to wait onto to your smile and the crisp on your eyes. If you ask me, I'LL STAY
SME's Frequently Asked Questions
In a time that everyone especially the youth is on toes to fulfilling a dream, many of us are entangled in a world so in turmoil that you side step every time you want a forward step.
You are done with your tertially education, at this point you need to get into money making ventures, you either get a job and wait for that payslip or start your own business. I can clearly say at this point in time I know none of them is easy. Both require hardwork, both with merits and demerits according to what your comfort zones are.
One thing is for sure, everyone has that business mind deep inside, we all have a muted ambition at an entreprenueral dream, we all would wish to be at a lead position,make our money as the bosses of our decisions.
For those of us who have tried it we know the benefits, fun in it and satisfactions that make your hunger to grow bigger and bigger. Making that money is one difficult a venture that every point of your growth is so important you keep it as a treasured moment of your life. On the flip side you get myriad breaking points in your days, you get frustrations and regrets, you miss your meals because you are busy with equal likeliness to being cent broke, you lose a customer who doesn't understand you are just starting out, and another because he doesn't want to see you succeed. You become enemies with your landlord and your creditors make it a point to register in your call logs everyday.
There are many dynamics into starting a business, most which I hope to share from my experiences but I feel I need to wait and have them reviewed from all the documentations. Maybe one day I will have to write about them, but in the meantime am in the learning stages myself.
We always have questions about starting a business and below I will cover some that I have been asked. These compilation is important because they are the same set of questions I widely asked before I started out and found myself still suffering from inadequate preparations and sometimes just a difficult dynamic point of application.
Spending money on creating "image", such as taking space in an expensive shopping mall. Rather spend money on building your customer base. Remember customers are the drive, without them all you have is your stocks and the funiture in your office on top of a huge rent paid in advance.
We simply compute this by taking the cost of providing that product or service, then add a profit margin. Your profit margin should be compared to a risk-free interest rate, e.g. that of the Govt. 91 day Treasury Bill, plus a business risk margin. After all, the business should pay you for taking the risk. Then ensure that cost + profit margin (91 day TB + business risk margin) matches or undercuts your competitors' pricing.
This is the same as getting to buy that matching high heel to match the handbag and the dress in your wardrobe. Or even the business suit for your interviews and presentations. They all need capital. Your can use your money to get that or get a store owner to give you credit. The latter option means you need an excellent credit record.
A partnership in a business is like a marriage. It depends on the partner. A partner may bring benefits such as capital, but like a spouse, he should share your vision and values.
Very. A business website is a must if you want customer's to find you.
Small enough to pay your bills and break even with the income you are receiving.
Your head, always.
YES, especially since it takes a while to break even. While you establish your business there is more money going out than coming in, so keeping your expenses low is vital for survival.
Tuesday, 6 August 2013
My Girlfriend Trainee. (1 Post)
I am answering these questions to avoid getting my usual rush whenever someone asks. If you are like me you should be already tired with the just to cliche' question, " What kind of gal do you want?? What do you want for a wife??"
I will be careful not to offend the romantics and the true believers of love and its antics, my opinions on this post are well protected in my right in this platform. I am not a believer in a prepared package of a lover.
I have met women, ladies and girls in my life; yes, there are differences to what they all refer to. That's for another day. I have men tall women, short women, fat, thin, big lips, tight lips, big eyes, chinese eyes, big nose, supple legs, mapped legs, and all those other kinds that a more observant guy would see. It will surprise you to note that all these beauties have their lovers, people who think they are the most pretty things in the world, yet a bloated TV designer would dry his mouth trying to make me believe there is a more true and mainstream defination to the beauty of a woman???? I beg to differ, it's only in the beholder's eye that the true beauty of a woman stays and its right defination respected.
This post was about a lady I want to train and be my girlfriend. To be the manager of my happiness and the distributor of my desires satisfaction. The desires are many they need a manager.
She can cook, (scrabbled eggs and black coffee don't count).
She can make this man smile even when it doesn't seem likely.
She can make love at the most unusual times, places and situations. A lady who can feel horny when we so mad at each other, because she is able to differentiate our treasured moments and obligations from things that will pass.
She can be left with my mum for a week and they won't fight or sneer at each other for even a second. You have to understand that there will never be a comparison between the two of you.I need both of you, know the balance and lets all be happy.
She can contribute in a growth, advice and rebuke me when am wrong but not try to force my hand. I need to be the man in the house, if we become two men in the house then we will need to separate and search for other women to marry.
She needs to be beautiful on eyes, on heart and on the society, after all she will be the public image of the man I am.
She need to understand a career woman with a family remains to be a wife at the house, and a mother to our children, and should behave the part.
I have more but they are based on don'ts.
I was taught to concentrate on the positives all the time. The glass is half full kind of thing!!
I will say something that I still don't understand but because I won't care to let someone explain it, I'll just write it here and propagate my inability to understand these beings we fall head over heels for. Where do women get these things??? Where are they taught?? Because you can import one from mars and when we men sit to discuss our women, we talk of the same songs , same excuses, same behaviours beliefs and practises.
Excuses are the more hilarious ones and I will share a few of the ones I have experienced and heard from friends.
Imagine!! You are out of your senses and blood has completely left your upper head to the lower one. We all know where the blood is that's where the commands are the strongest. no? Maybe it's just me and my friends then. Then she turns, looks at you in a kind of hurry to get back to something else....
"Swts, I have a headache."
"I am very tired today."
" It's still too early swtheart"
" I don't feel like it babes!!"
"All I need is to cuddle up today"
" I have to wake up very early kesho"
" I feel like watching the TV"
"I don't wanna miss the soap today, its the last episode you know!!"
" I am very tired babes"
" Is that all you think about when you see me??""
" You must understand me as a woman"
" I just feel depressed, like there is something wrong with our rship"
"I am in those days babes
I thought you know my periods?? I explained them to you!!"
" I need to sleep, I woke up very early today."
" I just want you to hold me today and not do anything"
"I just want to hug and carress today dear, nothing else."
" All I need today is a good massage before I sleep, I hope you understand??"
" I am just from the salon and I don't wanna mess up the hair."
Whooh!! I am almost going crazy in my head right now. As you have seen, I have tried so much not to comment on any of them. Between you and me, "I know it would all be vanity trying to have an opinion on any of them if you are a man. Accept they will be there and enjoy the days she looks at you with an inviting eye, and pray those are the many days, because if its vice versa you are screwed. Or aren't you???
We love you ladies, after all you will always see us with our tongues on our shirts as you pass in the corridors. That's how much we love you, it's just that showing it ainn't so easy a task, and you also don't make it so easy for us. Times I wonder whether there's a woman in this planet earth who really has an answer to what she really want. Like a concrete answer???
Ok! ladies read and get your definition of what kind of lady I need. Applications open, deadline is when I get a match. See you in those letters.
*** I should add, no mohawks, leggings and weaves***
Monday, 29 July 2013
The broken Soldier
Happy to make dad smile as he loam
Mum calls softly from the bathroom
Soon the water will not be that warm
And the son might not like the cold
Two decades later this mother weeps under the sheets
Her son is cold in the enemies' forest fronts
She fears what the cold will do to her only borne
And almost wails at every report of a soldier's death
She tried to prevent it with all her heart
Tried to pray and fast, to void a dire hurt
Her husband had made up his mind
The son was convinced it comes with being kind
And the society praised a young man, to go to find
Service to his motherland

Before he lets loose his first aimed bullet,
Before he lands deep into a live battlefield,
Before he sees his first bullet tear into a man,
And the color of blood fills his virgin eyes
Is there courage like they are taught in those barracks
Or is there pride as he watches another man go in cracks
Does he sing and aim for his next, unknowing target
Or lingers to swallow the magnitude of what his hands managed
Is it true fear lies behind the barrel of a gun?
Yet a soldier is the symbol of brevity and courage?
Do their eyes show what their hearts feel
Or are they coached to hide their fears, for their country to heal
A mother moans one less son to a bullet
A young woman cries her husband of one year is missing
A girl weeps her dad is never coming home again
I weep because their stories will never be told.
The Unbelieve
What crosses your mind in the morning,
After the night dreams of extreem moaning,
After you had to survive all my twilight manning,
Our tossing, turning, teasing and murmuring,
Only to wake up to a lone bedding???
Who do you blame for all the dreams?
Are the thoughts a cause for the extremes?
Am I a satam you wish dead in your days?
Or do you wish you never met my kind?
Am I a good future plan you keep under the sleeves...
How do you survive with that big a speck??
How do you feel when the secret is that grave?
Do you plan to eventually have it out and drive?
Or is there a plan that Aliens will carry me alive?
To cease being in your existence...
Why would you treat me like a guys sock,
Keep me dirty and smelly and still want my smack
Tell your friends you would die for my spank
Then turn and in disgust give me a whack
Am the guy you will never tell you love
I invaded your heart, so I deserve no relieve
You are in THE UNBELIEVE, but you care that I live
And to you am just a stray love that is soon forgotten.
I believe in 'a dog and its day!!'
One day I will walk with a straight face during day
My affinity for night walks will ebb, and I will stay
I will sit besides a lass of substance to watch the bay
Right there will be your real UNBELIEVE
When the Broken sing
She sat at the crest of great turmoil
Watched her father attack her mother
Endured the screams while she slept
She sobbed, burried in a mountain of clothes
To try shield herself from the torture
She grew and got educated in law
But the anger, pain and agony was still raw
Lost her mum at still an able age to live and laugh
She believed he had causes her sudden demise
The anger and angst grew at heart
To heal the broken heart and soul
God sent her a man of strength and patience
Though she rejected and loathed being with a man
His might and understanding made her sing again
As she helped other abused women in the village
The man taught her to tap that joy to heal herself
She had never thought she could trust a man again
Yet this one had forced her heart to soften again
She found her destiny in things she did to pass the time
And healed a society as she healed her soul
Finally she could sing again
To a tune of victory, peace and forgiveness
Icy winds turned warm and tender
The eagles stretched their injured wings
A strange and silent strength discovered...
When the broken sing.
The fields that have lain bare and barren,
Turn a cool refreshing green,
Diamonds stud the shocking blackness...
Where empty nothingness has been.
When the broken sing
Sunday, 28 July 2013
This piece is got from something I read during the weekend and thought it's worth sharing. Its cheeky and fun, most importantly it has well laid down moral lessons for keeps. Enjoy and feel free to share with friends, they will ease on a moody monday.
Incase he doesn't find them fun or informative, sh** on him and let see how that goes. All the best and share your experience. No disclaimer, I'll pay up for any losses. Cheers!!!!
JUMP RIGHT IN..........
Lesson 1: Naked Wife
A man is getting into the shower just as his wife is finishing up her shower when the doorbell rings. The wife quickly wraps herself
in a towel and runs downstairs. When she opens the door, there stands Bob, the next door neighbor. Before she says a word, Bob says, “I’ll give you $800 to drop that towel.”
After thinking for a moment, the woman drops her towel and stands naked in front of Bob.
After a few seconds, Bob hands her $800 dollars and leaves. The woman wraps back up in the towel and goes back upstairs. When she gets to the bathroom, her husband asks,
“Who was that?” “It was Bob the next door neighbor,” she replies. “Great!” the husband says, “Did he say anything about the $800 he
owes me?”
Moral of the story:
If you share critical information pertaining to credit and risk with your shareholders in time, you may be in a position to prevent
avoidable exposure.
Lesson 2:
A sales rep, an administration clerk, and the manager are walking to lunch when they find
an antique oil lamp. They rub it and a Genie comes out. The Genie says, “I’ll give each of you just one wish” “Me first! Me first!” says
the administration clerk. “I want to be in the Bahamas, driving a speedboat, without a care
in the world.” Poof! She’s gone. “Me next! Me next!” says the sales rep. “I want to be in Hawaii,relaxing on the beach with my personal masseuse, an endless supply of Pina Coladas and the love of my life.” Poof! He’s gone. “OK, you’re up,” the Genie says to the manager. The manager says, “I want those two back in the office after lunch.”
Moral of the story: Always let your boss have the first say.
Lesson 3:
A priest offered a lift to a Nun. She got in and crossed her legs, forcing her gown to reveal a leg. The priest nearly had an accident. After controlling the car, he stealthily slid his hand up her leg. The nun said,”Father, remember
Psalm 129?” The priest removed his hand. But,changing gears, he let his hand slide up her leg again. The nun once again said,
“Father, remember Psalm 129?” The priest apologized “Sorry sister but the flesh is weak.” Arriving at the convent, the nun went on her way. On his arrival at the church, the priest rushed to look up Psalm 129. It said, “Go forth and seek, further up, you will find glory.”
Moral of the story: If you are not well informed in your job, you might miss a great opportunity.
Lesson 4:
A crow was sitting on a tree, doing nothing all day. A rabbit asked him,”Can I also sit like
you and do nothing all day long?” The crow answered: “Sure, why not.” So, the rabbit sat on the ground below the crow, and rested.
…A fox jumped on the rabbit and ate it.
Moral of the story: To be sitting and doing nothing, you must be sitting very high up.
Lesson 5: Power of Charisma
A turkey was chatting with a bull “I would love to be able to get to the top of that tree,”
sighed the turkey, but I haven’t got the energy.” “Well, why don’t you nibble on my droppings?” replied the bull. “They’re packed
with nutrients.” The turkey pecked at a lump of dung and found that it gave him enough strength to reach the lowest branch of the
tree. The next day, after eating some more dung, he reached the second branch. Finally after a fourth night, there he was proudly
perched at the top of the tree. Soon he was spotted by a farmer, who shot the turkey out of the tree.
Moral of the story: Bullshit might get you to the top, but it wont keep you there.
Lesson 6:
A little bird was flying south for the winter. It was so cold the bird froze and fell to the ground into a large field. While he was lying
there, a cow came by and dropped some dung on him. As the frozen bird lay there in the pile of cow dung, he began to realize how
warm he was. The dung was actually thawing him out! He lay there all warm and happy, and
soon began to sing for joy. A passing cat heard the bird singing and came to investigate. Following the sound, the cat
discovered the bird under the pile of cow dung, and promptly dug him out and ate him.
Moral of the story:
1. Not everyone who shits on you is your enemy
2. Not everyone who gets you out of shit is your friend
3. And when you’re in deep shit, it’s best to keep your mouth shut !